
Pluto surface composition from spectral model inversion with metaheuristics

The New Horizons mission has returned hyperspectral data for Pluto’s surface consisting of complex, not directly modelisable spectra. A radiative transfer model that accurately represents the complexity of the putative surface structure and mix of …

Reflexive Memory Authenticator: A Proposal for Effortless Renewable Biometrics

Today's biometric authentication systems are still struggling with replay attacks and irrevocable stolen credentials. This paper introduces a biometric protocol that addresses such vulnerabilities. The approach prevents identity theft by being based …

Créer de tête de nombreux mots de passe inviolables et inoubliables

Nous présentons un générateur de mots de passe nommé Cue-Pin-Select qui est sécurisé, durable, adaptable à tous les ensembles de contraintes usuelles et aisément exécutable de tête ou avec un papier et un stylo. Ce générateur extrait de manière …

Mots de passe : le choix humain plus sécurisé que la génération aléatoire

Les mots de passe formés d’une suite de mots d’un langage donné sont une manière simple d’obtenir beaucoup d’entropie sans perdre en capacité de mémorisation. La génération automatique de ces phrases est cependant problématique car elle doit se faire …

Building Trust for Sample Voting

This work explores how to build popular trust for voting systems that rely heavily on statistical tools, as they are generally counter-intuitive to the average citizen (and even to experts). By trying out the voting system in public and letting …

Improving security and usability of passphrases with guided word choice

Passphrases have many uses, such as serving as seeds for passwords. User-created passphrases are easier to remember, but tend to be less secure than ones created from words randomly chosen in a dictionary. This paper develops a way of making more …

Improving voting technology is hard: the trust-legitimacy-participation loop and related problems

Experience shows that the best technology is not always adopted. In the security arena no technology has to stand a harder challenge or has higher consequences for changing society by failure than voting technology. Best technology in voting is …

Progressive metaheuristics for high-dimensional radiative transfer model inversion

Determining planetary surface composition via remote spectroscopy frequently requires the use of inverse modeling, as the surface presents a complex mixture of materials which cannot be directly identified from the spectra. Depending on the …

Building trust for sample voting

This work explores how to build popular trust for voting systems that rely heavily on statistical tools, those being generally counter-intuitive to the general population (and even to experts). By trying out the voting system in public and letting …

Dynamic Sum-Radii Clustering

Real networks have in common that they evolve over time and their dynamics have a huge impact on their structure. Clustering is an efficient tool to reduce the complexity to allow representation of the data. In 2014, Eisenstat et al. introduced a …