Mobirise v3.12.1

Der Computer NR. 3 : 
Le droit, un outil technique comme un autre ?

Séminaire à l'EHESS
Droit, logique formelle, informatique, linguistique & philosophie de la technique

Organised by :

  • Chia-Hsin Yuan (responsable), PhD candidate at EHESS (Centre Georg-Simmel)
  • Enka Blanchard, researcher at Digitrust Loria, Université de Lorraine
  • François Curan, PhD candidate at Université Paris X Nanterre‐La Défense
  • Victor Monneret, PhD candidate at Université Paris I Panthéon‐Sorbonne
  • Djohar Sidhoum-Rahal, doctor from Université Paris X Nanterre‐La Défense
  • Télémaque Masson


February 27th, 2020

Dr. Catherine Becker, specialist of Blockchain technologies, will discuss digital justice. Joint session with Rainer Maria Kiesow's seminar
11am-1pm, Room AS1_08, 54 Bd Raspail, 75006

March 17th, 2020

Dr. Djohar Siddhoum Rahal will discuss the relationship between penal law and neuroscience.
6-8pm, Room 6, 105 Bd Raspail, 75006

March 26th, 2020

Pr. Dr. Claudine Moulin, specialist of digital humanities. 
Joint session with Rainer Maria Kiesow's seminar and his seminar with Falk Breitschneider.
11am-1pm, Room 5, 105 Bd Raspail, 75006

April 2nd, 2020

Dr. Jörg Pohle will discuss "Insights and learnings from the history of legal informatics".

Legal Tech is but the latest in a long line of shapes taken by the cooperation between Law and Computer/Information Sciences. The first organized attempt started in 1949, when Lee Loevinger founded Jurimetrics, in today's parlance Computational Legal Studies, the application of quantitative methods, and often especially probability and statistics, to law. In the early 1960s, the field of Legal Cybernetics emerged, first in Eastern Europe, in the late 1960s also in the West, especially in Germany and Italy. Legal Cybernetics had a much broader approach: law was seen as a means of controlling and regulating society, embedded within Cybernetics as a general approach to regulatory structures and processes, and with the then new computers as a means for the practical implementation of regulatory mechanisms (in Russian: 'pravo i kibernetika'; in German: 'Rechtskybernetik'; in Italian: 'giuscibernetica'; in Swedish: the field is known in the U.S. literature as 'AI and Law'). When the cybernetic movement lost steam in the 1970s, the field of Legal Cybernetics declined as well. Instead, it is replaced by a field with a more limited theoretical reach: Legal Informatics, focusing on the interrelationship between law and computers (or automated information processing). It is generally divided in three subfields: 1. Legal Information (or Documentation) Science, sometimes also Legal Information Retrieval, i.e. how to user computers to improve the accessibility of the vast amount of legal documents like laws, court decisions or legal commentaries; 2. Computational Law, i.e. the mechanization or automation of legal reasoning and decision-making; and 3. Administration & Management, i.e. the automation of juridical office work. A second organizing structure that has been proposed in the literature is the division in 1. the conditions, 2. the applications, and 3. the implications of the use of computers in law. The first subfield focuses on questions like Which part(s) of juridical work can be automated?, or How laws must be formulated in order to be automatable? The second subfield focuses on the development of practical applications and their use in juridical work, while the third subfield encompasses the use of computers in society on the legal systems, i.e. the development and enactment of laws governing computer use and mitigating the risks they pose for individuals, groups, organizations and society, e.g. coyright law, competition law, or data protection law. Since then, the field has considerably narrowed down, with basic research being especially rare. Analyzing the topics on the leading journals and conferences in this field, i.e. the journals 'MULL: Modern Uses of Logic in Law' (1959–1966), 'Jurimetrics Journal' (1966–1978), 'Jurimetrics' (1978–2015), and 'Artificial Intelligence and Law' (1992–2019) as well as the conferences 'ICAIL: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law' (1987–2019), 'JURIX: International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems' (1988–2019), and 'IRIS: Internationales Rechtsinformatik Symposion' (1999–2019), the research is now confined to three main areas: automated reasoning, software systems for lawyers and legal scholars (now often called Legal Tech), and computer or information law. The lecture will shed light on the long history of research at the intersection of Law and Computer Science, and discuss what we can learn from these experiences for future cooperation between legal scholars and computer scientists.

6-8pm, Room 5, 105 Bd Raspail, 75006

May 5th, 2020

Yaël Benayoun and Irénée Renault from the Mouton Numérique association.

6-8pm, Room 9, 105 Bd Raspail, 75006

June 6th, 2020

Dr. Karen McAuliffe, specialist on the effects of translation within European Law. 

Session given in the context of the Georg Simmel yearly conference.
6-8pm, 105 Bd Raspail, 75006

June 30th, 2020

Dr. Enka Blanchard and Dr. Sunimal Mendis, specialist of intellectual property and technological innovation.
6-8pm, 105 Bd Raspail, 75006