Current Experiments

With the help of a number of other scientists, I have launched multiple experiments and user studies over the past few years. We are always looking for volunteers for those, so feel free to try one of the following (as a reward, you get the link to our hypotheses and preliminary research once you’re done with the study).
Impostor syndrome in academia. If you are a young researcher or a graduate student, please consider filling the following survey and spreading it, as it could have a direct positive impact (initially for you and hopefully for our communities), no matter your field (we’re doing a cross-field study). Link to study:
Mental computation modeling. Click on this link, follow the instructions, and get details at the end. The goal is to build a model of mental computing costs, to have a general purpose tool to improve our other work (including the following one).
Image recognition and describability Click on this link, and follow the instructions. To prevent priming, I won’t share the immediate goal here, but we have at least one voting system design that depends on the result of this experiment.
Mental-only secure password managers. We recently developed a new kind of password manager called Cue-pin-Select that works using only your brain, but only requires you to remember one short sentence. After initial tests on a limited group of subjects, we are looking for two dozen users who would be ready to do a longer study (with tasks twice per day, for a week). To participate, send us an email.
Crowd-sourcing semi-public data to detect nazi propaganda. We are about to launch a crowd-sourcing platform as a proof of concept to detect propaganda movies. We estimate the total user time needed to be less than 100 hours, so if you want to help out, let us know.