Popularisation articles

I’ve been a somewhat regular contributor to the French popularisation magazine Tangente. Here are the articles I wrote, in French of course:
- Le Théorème de Poincaré-Perelman
- Le Théorème des Graphes Parfaits
- Quand le Hasard Crée des Certitudes
- Les Testeurs de Propriété
- Classes de Complexité
- Des mots de passe pas très secrets
I’ve also contributed to the annual brochure of the Salon Culture & Jeux Mathématiques:
- in 2017, an article on GPS technology with L. Gabasova,
- in 2018 an article on the angel problem,
- in 2022 with two articles on fractals and Euclid’s vision of shapes, with Andrei Rodin and Florentin Waligorski.
I’m always open to working on popularisation, so don’t hesitate to drop me a line if you have ideas (I have a few potential articles that need writing, but I’ve been busy focusing on research and activism).