
I am currently employed in a research-only position, but I used to teach at the Ecole d’IngĂ©nieurs Denis Diderot. Course list:
- Foundations of Computer Science at M1 level in Fall 2018.
- Foundations of Computer Science at M1 level in Fall 2017.
- Systems and Network Engineering at M1 level in Spring 2017 ( old course website).
- Systems and Network Engineering at M1 level in Spring 2016 ( old course website).
In 2016, we organised a Spring School in Discrete Mathematics in Kosovo with Siargey Kachanovich, with the support of Animath. I then went to Moldova with Mardin Andler to train teachers there and try to create new Animath clubs.
I participated in the creation of the Mathmosphere education platform and created the first MOOC on it, on the subject of graph theory.
I gave an online course titled “Introduction to crip theory” to 3rd-year students on the Sciences-Po Network. I recorded 9 2-hour video sessions which I can make privately available upon request (just send me an email).